Title : Oil War Filenames : OIL.INI, OIL.MAP Savegame name : SAVEGAME.003 Author : Chris Peddecord Compuserve Address : 102622.1454 Internet Address : 102622.1454@compuserve.com Misc. Author Info : Why, why, why? Machine : 486\DX 66mhz Description : Sequel to The Wrath of NOD. See STORY.TXT Briefing : In this region of territory, there is an oil refinery which NOD deems fit of capturing. Take out all GDI units so it is possible to capture and refine without interference. Intelligence : In and around the refinment area are GDI forces, east of the refinery is a big GDI base which must be destroyed. There are 2 big squads of infantry heading towards your base, be prepared for a long battle. Additional Credits to : Richard Heesbeen for his stupendous editor, and I, myself, me, and the other sides of Chris. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level and Map : Replaces SCB13EA.INI AND SCB13EA.MAP Difficulty : Hard, very hard Chances of Survival : Bleak, very bleak. Music : Some P.O.T.U.S.A. or Green Day * Construction * Base : extracted scb13.ini and .map erased everything and started building. Editor used : CCMAP v1.2 Bulid Time : 1 hour Known Bugs : None as of yet * Copyright / Permissions * You may edit this level with written consent only. You may distribute this level with this text file only. * Other Levels * All my levels can be found in either the Gamers Forum or the Modem Games Forum. Modem Games : C&C/WARCRAFT Gamers : Wargames (A-L), and these levels are as follows: WRATH.ZIP : The Wrath of NOD REVENGE.ZIP : The Revenge of the Brotherhood